As most of us are aware is that degeneracy has become a massive issue in society through the ((NWO)) and we are back at Weimar conditions. However this time this far worse, After WW2 the ((NWO)) finally managed to take complete power and what we see today is mostly a puppet show with puppets controlling other puppets and the puppet master hiding carefully in the shadows. The behavior of theirs is in inherenetly parasitic. Everything about them is parasitic, what they produce is parasitic. Every. Single. Thing. And like parasites they will infect others and those become parasites themselves. This is for a important example which I would like to discuss closely here on this document. The LGBTQ+ parasite movements, and generally the act of homosexuality, and other sexual degenerate acts and things. With all parasitic behavior, a parasite is never satisified with what is has and it needs to spread itself over to others. You give it the small finger, it takes the whole hand. This is exactly how degeneracy behaves too, you see these individuals ruining their brain with pornography and then spread ideas in form of media disguised as ‚comedy‘ and promote it in everyway necessary. But even go as far to bring it to the vulnerable youth and groom them by exact definition into them. What I am mostly taking about is late stage degeneracy of a individual. At this point they are deeply embroiled into it and cannot be saved anymore. A lot of the youth these days are being pushed into it and be given degenerate ideas and also have it promoted to them to partake in it heavily. No one is save from being infected with it, but what you can do is prevent it and rot out the root of it by any means necessary. I would like to note this rant I have written can only be read with prior knowledge and being already aligned with the ideas. This is a overview of what degeneracy is. I myself experienced it, and know how it works. And I was able to identify the issue and take measures myself before being too embroiled into it. It’s like a drug, it ruins your brain with its addiction and you will start being more and more degenerate to get that strong boost of it. You will abuse it till you have you spread it like a parasite. Thankfully I was able to analyze the issue and got out of it at an early stage, I personally believe at early stages etc. that the shame might be there till you forgive yourself and let yourself heal. But this is sadly for most people a very very rare case. My vision is for the future is to help others escape it, and crush it. Some maybe unforgiven but they are not my worries, these people are insecure about themselves and only see the action of it and have done those actions themselves. Most importantly is to not cope about it, you need to better yourself with truth and overcome it and help prevent it not only for you, but for others. Be fruitful to your own kind